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2024 Board Members

- Courtney Cates
- President
- Membership

- Coralie Owens; SHRM-CP and PHR
- Chapter Past-President
- SHRM Foundation
- EABC Co-Chair
- HRPAGE Fundraising


- Callie Lowry; SHRM-CP
- KS SHRM East District Director
- Social Media Co-Chair
- HRPAGE Fundraising

- Janice Huffman; MBA, SHRM-CP, IPMA-SCP
- Programming Co-Chair

- Karis Williams
- Social Media Co-Chair
- HRPAGE Fundraising

- Vanda Stephens
- President-Elect
- Government Affairs, Advocacy
- Membership

- Karen Brown-Gentz
- Secretary
- SHRM Foundation
- HRPAGE Fundraising

- Kim LoPorto
- Programming Co-Chair
To get in touch with us, non-members can use the Contact Us page, and members can access the member directory.