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March HR-PAGE Chapter Meeting [Registration]

    Barrie Green has been a Leader in Human Resources for over 25 years, she has spent her HR career in manufacturing, distribution, and service / install industries.  She is currently the Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer for Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation.

    As a leader in Human Resources, she has worked to break down previous philosophy of HR’s contribution to an organization.  She was fortunate to be exposed to Lean Principals in Manufacturing and started the process for her Green Belt Certification.  She has taken those principles to continuously seek ways to enhance and streamline processes and procedures.   An advent supporter of sharing her knowledge and experience she has been a guest speaker for LEAP HR . 

    She was born and raised in the Midwest and moved to the south to get out of the snow, she has lived in various states for her career and although her permanent resident is Oklahoma City she also resides in Emporia. 

    Barrie is presenting Lean Priciples for Human Resources.  Understanding and using Lean Principles and Kaizen in Human Resources to eliminate nva, waste, duplication and improve process or procedures.

    How do we take those principles and apply them to Human Resources.

    In her Presentation you will learn principles for the folloiwng needs:

    • Understanding fundamentals of Lean Principles
    • How Kaizens benefits transactional HR
    • How to apply Lean Philosophy in HR
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